The Impacts of Pharmacist-Prescribed Hormonal Contraception in the Medicaid Population
by Amanda Yang, 2021 Doctor of Pharmacy and MPH Candidate
"In 2016, Oregon became the first state to pass legislation allowing pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraception without a collaborative practice agreement, opening the door to increased access of hormonal contraception. While there are many reasons to use hormonal contraception, decreasing unintended pregnancies by increasing access to contraception is a cost-effective priority
for Medicaid. With Medicaid policies differing between states, there is not a lot of information on the impacts of pharmacist- prescribed hormonal contraception in Medicaid populations. Currently, Oregon is the only state with studies that discuss the impacts of pharmacist-prescribed hormonal contraception on reducing unintended pregnancies and cost savings in the Medicaid population."
Keywords: United States, Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Pregnancy, Unplanned, Medicaid, Oregon, Cost Savings, Hormonal Contraception, Cost-Benefit Analysis, District of Columbia, Wisconsin, Preliminary Data, Pharmaceutical Services, Pharmacy, Contraception, Legislation, Pharmacy, Prescriptions, Health Services Accessibility, Policy
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2021 March/April Table of Contents
"In 2016, Oregon became the first state to pass legislation allowing pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraception without a collaborative practice agreement, opening the door to increased access of hormonal contraception. While there are many reasons to use hormonal contraception, decreasing unintended pregnancies by increasing access to contraception is a cost-effective priority
for Medicaid. With Medicaid policies differing between states, there is not a lot of information on the impacts of pharmacist- prescribed hormonal contraception in Medicaid populations. Currently, Oregon is the only state with studies that discuss the impacts of pharmacist-prescribed hormonal contraception on reducing unintended pregnancies and cost savings in the Medicaid population."
Keywords: United States, Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Pregnancy, Unplanned, Medicaid, Oregon, Cost Savings, Hormonal Contraception, Cost-Benefit Analysis, District of Columbia, Wisconsin, Preliminary Data, Pharmaceutical Services, Pharmacy, Contraception, Legislation, Pharmacy, Prescriptions, Health Services Accessibility, Policy
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2021 March/April Table of Contents