CE Author Guidelines
PSW will work to feature at least one CE article for pharmacists and one CE article for pharmacy technicians (or a combined article) in each issue of The Journal. In addition to the provided general author guidelines, authors of CE articles must follow the guidelines below:
- Article must be 3,500 - 6,000 words to provide at least one hour of continuing education. Authors should test the length of the educational activity with colleagues and provide a recommended CE credit estimate to PSW with their article submission. CE credit estimates should include the time it takes to complete the article and the learning assessment.
- Must include 3-5 learning objectives in the "SMART" format.
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Results-focused
- Time-focused
- Authors must provide 8-10 learning assessment questions designed to measure the impact on learning following the identified learning objectives. In addition, the learning assessment questions should measure changes in knowledge based upon the author's identified gap analysis. Questions can be provided in multiple choice and/or true & false format. No short answer questions. Authors should provide answers to learning assessment questions along with a short explanation of the correct answer to PSW staff.
- Authors must provide a CV or resume along with article submission
- Article authors must sign and return the PSW disclosure form
- Authors must include tagline information (title, credentials, workplace, and workplace location)
- Authors must meet stated deadlines