PSW Fellowship Designation
by Maria Wopat, PharmD, BCACP, Jonathan R White, PharmD, BCACP
"Did you know that the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) is only 26 years old? In 1997, when One Voice, One Vision became a reality, housing pharmacists from all settings under one umbrella, a community began to form—one that is diverse and spans not only pharmacy settings but a range of ages, geographic locations across Wisconsin, genders, and ethnicities. Communities often take decades or even centuries to build, so what PSW has created in a relatively short amount of time is truly special. Most longstanding PSW members would say that being part of this community and networking with each other is what they value most about their PSW membership. This desire to connect, paired with a sense of wanting to serve the pharmacy community, often naturally leads members to search for volunteer opportunities within PSW. Being a poster reviewer turns into committee membership, which leads to chairing a committee, which can ultimately lead to Board membership. This is an oversimplified pathway one could take, but the point is, PSW has fantastic volunteers who devote their time and talent year after year after year."
Keywords: Wisconsin, Fellowships and Scholarships, Intention, Mentors, Students, Pharmacy
2024 January/February Table of Contents
"Did you know that the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) is only 26 years old? In 1997, when One Voice, One Vision became a reality, housing pharmacists from all settings under one umbrella, a community began to form—one that is diverse and spans not only pharmacy settings but a range of ages, geographic locations across Wisconsin, genders, and ethnicities. Communities often take decades or even centuries to build, so what PSW has created in a relatively short amount of time is truly special. Most longstanding PSW members would say that being part of this community and networking with each other is what they value most about their PSW membership. This desire to connect, paired with a sense of wanting to serve the pharmacy community, often naturally leads members to search for volunteer opportunities within PSW. Being a poster reviewer turns into committee membership, which leads to chairing a committee, which can ultimately lead to Board membership. This is an oversimplified pathway one could take, but the point is, PSW has fantastic volunteers who devote their time and talent year after year after year."
Keywords: Wisconsin, Fellowships and Scholarships, Intention, Mentors, Students, Pharmacy
2024 January/February Table of Contents