Table of Contents - JPSW March/April 2022
Continuing EducationFeatures
- UpFront: 2021-2022 Legislative Review
- ID Corner: Antimicrobial Management of Nocardia farcinica Brain Abscess
- COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Experience: Reflections and Lessons Learned from a School of Pharmacy Perspective at a Health Sciences University
- Student Pharmacist Integration in an Ambulatory Service at a Rural Veterans Affairs Clinic
- Pharmacy Efforts to Dismantle Health Disparities
- Expanding the Role of the Pharmacist with Pharmacist-Prescribed Contraception
- Literature Review of Fixed and Weight-Based Dosing of 4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate in Achievement of Hemostasis in Adult Patients Taking Factor Xa Direct Oral Anticoagulants