Evaluation of the Usability, Engagement, and Value of The Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
by Amanda Egbert, 2024 PharmD Candidate, Lukas Kelsey, 2025 PharmD Candidate, Michael W. Nagy, PharmD, Megan Grant, Amanda Margolis, PharmD, MS, BCACP
Objective: To evaluate the usability, engagement, and value of The Journal following the transition to a fully online open-access format by surveying The Journal’s readership.
Methods: Based on past readership surveys, a revised readership survey was developed with questions that focused on general readability, assessed access to and ease of use of the website, assessed interest in article type, and explored the perceived value from The Journal becoming indexed. The survey was composed of 14 questions (10 multiple-choice questions, three open-ended questions, and one matrix table) and was created and distributed via Qualtrics Survey Software. The survey was reviewed by The Journal’s Editorial Advisory Committee prior to its distribution. A link to the survey and its associated QR code were sent out in the weekly FastFacts emails to members of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) and provided to attendees of the PSW Annual Meeting in August 2022.
Results: Thirty-eight PSW members responded to the survey questions, all of whom were readers of The Journal. The results showed that 36 (94.7%) readers were aware of the online journal, 29 (76.3%) found it easy to use, and 36 (94.7%) believed it to be a valuable part of their PSW membership. Readers emphasized their interest in articles focused on original work (84.2%), narrative reviews (76.3%), and continuing education (68.4%). Additionally, 86.5% of readers placed great importance on the content of The Journal becoming indexed in the future.
Conclusion: Online delivery of The Journal has been successful and fairly easy to navigate. While readers find the current content to be valuable, subsequent work should address the need for indexing and allocate more space to original work, narrative reviews, and continuing education in future publications.
Keywords: Advisory Committees, Comprehension, Societies, Pharmaceutical, Wisconsin, Education, Continuing, Software
2024 January/February Table of Contents
Objective: To evaluate the usability, engagement, and value of The Journal following the transition to a fully online open-access format by surveying The Journal’s readership.
Methods: Based on past readership surveys, a revised readership survey was developed with questions that focused on general readability, assessed access to and ease of use of the website, assessed interest in article type, and explored the perceived value from The Journal becoming indexed. The survey was composed of 14 questions (10 multiple-choice questions, three open-ended questions, and one matrix table) and was created and distributed via Qualtrics Survey Software. The survey was reviewed by The Journal’s Editorial Advisory Committee prior to its distribution. A link to the survey and its associated QR code were sent out in the weekly FastFacts emails to members of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) and provided to attendees of the PSW Annual Meeting in August 2022.
Results: Thirty-eight PSW members responded to the survey questions, all of whom were readers of The Journal. The results showed that 36 (94.7%) readers were aware of the online journal, 29 (76.3%) found it easy to use, and 36 (94.7%) believed it to be a valuable part of their PSW membership. Readers emphasized their interest in articles focused on original work (84.2%), narrative reviews (76.3%), and continuing education (68.4%). Additionally, 86.5% of readers placed great importance on the content of The Journal becoming indexed in the future.
Conclusion: Online delivery of The Journal has been successful and fairly easy to navigate. While readers find the current content to be valuable, subsequent work should address the need for indexing and allocate more space to original work, narrative reviews, and continuing education in future publications.
Keywords: Advisory Committees, Comprehension, Societies, Pharmaceutical, Wisconsin, Education, Continuing, Software
2024 January/February Table of Contents